Thursday, January 10, 2019


Hi, I'm Katie! Or as most of my friends would say, Katie by day, KT by night!

I come from Santa Clarita, CA, but I was born in Tarzana, CA, which makes me a valley girl. And yes, I do get called that frequently!
Image result for as if
As for where I'm going, I would like to get OUT of California for a bit! Ironically enough, I'd like to spend some time working in someplace such as Texas or Arizona, etc. Honestly, I would like to get out of the big city. I'm a very outdoorsy person and I enjoy beauty and nature, so I would like to get closer to that for awhile. I will be working for an entertainment/media company. I'm going to get there by I wish. Not a very effective way of transportation but its fun!

I am a spitting image of my mother. I also inherited her quick temper and stubbornness, along with her compassion and motherly personality. I love to take care of others, and I care about their emotions, just like her!
I inherited my funny personality and compassion from my father as well. He always is the one to crack a joke, and I love that I got that from him! I also inherited my father's passion for nature and adventure, especially through hiking. I also gained my passion for music from my father
They are both very organized, and I am super organized as well! They also are both extremely family oriented, and I love my family more than anything in this world.
However, I think what has made me different from my parents has been going to this school. At USC I have been exposed to so many people with different backgrounds. I would say I am much more worldly and understanding of other people's situations than anyone else in my family.

I think I have always been a highly motivated individual by my own standards. My parents kept me in check as a child, but I really have always aspired to work hard all on my own. I'm the type of person that if I set my mind to something, I do it! My biggest expectation for myself is that, if I choose to do a task, I do it with all of my heart and effort, to create my best work. In layman's terms, I don't half-ass anything!

I constantly am changing my role model. I am very interested in songwriting and singing, and thus most of my role models are singers. I would say my primary role model at the moment is Taylor Swift because she is such an incredibly talented writer, and I have always throught that it takes an incredibly in-tune and emotional brain to write such heartfelt music. It also takes an extensive amount of passion to dedicate oneself to a life she leads, and she does it gracefully and eloquently, which is just how I want to live my life.
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I have always had a special connection to elephants. They have been my favorite animal since I was a little girl! I have over 100 stuffed animal elephants. I think whats so special about elephants is their sense of family and compassion for one another. Here's a fun fact! Elephants perform funeral rituals for their dead loved ones, by covering them with leaves and they even stay with them for a period of time to grieve. They are so compassionate and such complex and intelligent animals. And they have an amazing memory. I relate to the elephants' compassion and memory and intelligence as personal and important traits that I embody.
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I have a connection with Gerbera daisies. They're my favorite flower and my family used to always get them for me at the end of my performances. They remind me of theatre and singing and all the hobbies that are so special to me. I also just love how pretty they are and how they brighten up a room!
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And finally, my sun sign is Taurus, which means that I enjoy savorable times, but am slow moving and careful. My moon sign is Cancer, making me strong and secure in my emotions, and making me love to take care of others. My rising sign is Gemini, making me active and also making me enjoy the company of others. It also means that I am restless and constantly moving around.

That's KT in a nutshell, thanks for reading!
-K to the T


  1. Hi Katie, great blog! I also thought it was cool how you liked outdoorsy activities. Going to Texas and Arizona should be really fun for you in that case. You should definitely go ahead and travel there for a bit to get away from the city for a bit.


  2. Hey Katie,
    As someone who has also grown up in California for their entire life I definitely relate to you wanting to get out for a little and explore somewhere else!

  3. I didn't know that elephants were so special! Thank you for sharing, I feel we should all learn a lot from the animal world.

  4. I also gained a passion for music from my father, as well as his father. My dad's side is full of talented working musicians so we're always chatting about new music, often jazz or rock/alternative. We both come from the same town, and I thought it was funny that we both knew the Zimmermans. Similarly, I'm also a clean freak! I can't seem to focus in a cluttered environment, AT ALL.

  5. Hey Katie!
    It was cool learning how similar yet different you are from your mom and dad. I also like the format of your blog post - very colorful.

